Friday, September 24, 2010

Cheap, Easy, and Nutritious?

This post is going to talk about dinner, not women (sorry, guys). 

We're a busy family, but one of the most important things on the to-do list is still feeding the kids healthy food.  When there was one child in the family (who slept a lot), we used to have lots of good home-cooked meals.  With two children (one of which doesn't particularly like to sleep), the definition of a good home-cooked meal has changed.  Basically, anything that doesn't come from a drive-thru will work.

Breakfast consists of cereal, oatmeal, or toast with butter or peanut butter.  Lunch is home-cooked by their daycare center during the week.  Dinner is a little more complicated.  I try to make a dinner with three basic components - proteins, carbs, veggies.  Here are some typical dinners:

Spaghetti with pasta sauce, no meat: the spaghetti noodles have protein and carbs, and the sauce has veggies.  This often gets topped off with dinner rolls for a treat.

Chicken nuggets or fish sticks, veggies (green beans, corn, or peas), and rice or potatoes.

Mac & cheese with veggies (green beans, corn, or peas)

Snacks are usually yogurt, fruit, or cereal.

What are some of your quick and easy dinners?  How about healthy snacks? 

Friday, September 10, 2010

What's this blog about?

I recently had a blog on Vox, but Vox is shutting down.  I was also recently searching for websites that had useful tips for busy working moms.  Then I decided to write a blog for busy working moms (and dads)! 

There's a tremendous amount of info available for working parents, but so much of it seems to center around working at home, flexible schedules, and working less than full-time.  As a full-time (or more) 8AM - 5PM kind of parent, that doesn't leave me a lot to go on.

So the plan for this blog is to provide a discussion point for small things that make life a little better. 

First topic: exercise!  I'm not in the same shape as I was before having two kids (big surprise there).  I hate to exercise.  It gets in the way of all the other things I'd rather be doing.  But, I also know it's supposed to be good for the soul in addition to the waistline.

My solution: I signed up for a Yoga class on Saturdays at a local community college, prompted by a friend who is taking it with me.  It's relaxing, and it's on the weekend so I'm not too tired to go.  I do miss out a couple of hours with my family, but it helps me feel better.  There are also a few 10-minute workout videos on my Netflix streaming queue.  We've done those a few times, and this week I will hit one 10-minute pilates ab workout and a Yoga class.  Not too bad for someone who hates exercise!  We'll see how things go in the long term.
Now it's your turn - fill me in on what you do to stay in shape.