Friday, September 10, 2010

What's this blog about?

I recently had a blog on Vox, but Vox is shutting down.  I was also recently searching for websites that had useful tips for busy working moms.  Then I decided to write a blog for busy working moms (and dads)! 

There's a tremendous amount of info available for working parents, but so much of it seems to center around working at home, flexible schedules, and working less than full-time.  As a full-time (or more) 8AM - 5PM kind of parent, that doesn't leave me a lot to go on.

So the plan for this blog is to provide a discussion point for small things that make life a little better. 

First topic: exercise!  I'm not in the same shape as I was before having two kids (big surprise there).  I hate to exercise.  It gets in the way of all the other things I'd rather be doing.  But, I also know it's supposed to be good for the soul in addition to the waistline.

My solution: I signed up for a Yoga class on Saturdays at a local community college, prompted by a friend who is taking it with me.  It's relaxing, and it's on the weekend so I'm not too tired to go.  I do miss out a couple of hours with my family, but it helps me feel better.  There are also a few 10-minute workout videos on my Netflix streaming queue.  We've done those a few times, and this week I will hit one 10-minute pilates ab workout and a Yoga class.  Not too bad for someone who hates exercise!  We'll see how things go in the long term.
Now it's your turn - fill me in on what you do to stay in shape.


  1. Way important! If you feel better, than your time with the family is better.

    We have a gym here at work. sometimes I go at lunch or right before I leave. and sometimes, during those really late nights, I'll take a 15 minute break to do some core exercises. Wakes you up, u know?

  2. Good for you Vicki! We haven't had a gym the last two years and I hope our next house will be close to one. I miss working out and my body shows it too. I look forward to seeing your new blog.

  3. Yay Vic! A yoga class sounds fun!

  4. I made it through 2 10-minute pilates workouts and a 100-minute yoga workout. Not too bad!

    I have a gym at work as well - a pretty nice one, actually. But I just can't bring myself to leave the kids at daycare any longer. They are there for about 9 hours right now. The gym is open all the time, though, so maybe I could sneak in a workout later at night or on the weekend sometime.

    Baby steps, I suppose.
